Tuesday, February 3, 2015


This Grading Period was actually the best grading period which I've expected to be the most enjoyable but the saddest one . 
  We are about to graduate this coming March, happy to know but at the same time, it was sad to know. Happy because after more or less 4 years of sweats, hardworks, finally we'll be able to graduate. Sad bacause we'll be leaving our school as well our teachers and friends. But I know that it'll not the last moment of being here. We'll be here whenever we have time to.I was also excited everytime our teacher told us to open our computer in our own workstation and work in photoshop. I became more responsible in fulfilling our requirements in ICT, I finished all of my blog posts in time, I have learned my lesson last grading! Advance Happy graduation to all fourth year students, We all deserved to have a party for all of our hardworks! ( I really have to say this even though it's so sad for me and for us fourth students.


In a short decade, I will be 26 years of age.Which means that my years of youth are coming to an end. One thing I am sure of is that I will do my best to become a successful person in the future.
In my future I want to do so many things. One of the things I want to do is become a good chef of my future own restaurant.I will have to study more than ever. Graduate from University of the Northern Philippines is one of my short-time goals I want to achieve. After that I want to get a well-paid job as a chef, cooking all kinds of food. I wish for a happy and healthy life, who doesn’t? But this is something I can only wish for. On the other hand I can work hard to make my dreams come true.

There are also other things that I would like to do at some point. One of my dreams is to go in Rome, Italy and other places there in abroad. I have always been curious about other cultures and the differences between people in other countries.
In the future I may have new dreams, but the first goal I have to achieve is getting my diploma. This is one of the keys to accomplish my other goals and dreams. After becoming a professional, I want to start a family, one loving husband and maybe one or two children and have one simple but beautiful home to raise my kids and grow old with the people I love the most.


  1. "Be the change you want to see in the world."This quote is by the inspirational civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi. What he was trying to do is encourage people to step up and represent their beliefs. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. By doing this, others will see how the world can be e!ected if they do what you do or behave as you do. The most common way to get people's attention is to do it yourself first. I would like to change the world by being a good person.Many people underestimate the value of behaviour. They are only busy with daily activities. In fact, the behaviour is the most important thing in life, because without the behaviour, we are nothing.

    A good person is someone who displays love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, humility, patience and who is faithful and endures all things. It is someone who displays self control and considers others more important than self. It is someone who is a good friend, a good listener and someone who displays integrity dignity and accountability towards self and towards others. This person is not judgmental and holds no score of records against others but walks in forgiveness and understanding of others. This person does not bad mouth but rather stands up for someone. This is someone who would lay down his life for others not as a doormat, but as a true friend. 
    You can go around and try to change others, or you can change the one person you really have control over, yourself, and become who you are supposed to be.


Ilocos Sur especially Vigan is branded as the Heart of Ilocandia by the Philippine Historical Committee. It’s a province very rich in culture and heritage. Kannawidan means traditions. On January 29 to February 13, 2015 several activities were lined up for the celebration.A concelebrated mass followed by parade of statues of patron saints around the historic city of Vigan ushers in the carnival with the Quirino.Products of Ilocos Sur and from nearby provinces such as Ilocos Norte and the Cordilleras (Benguet, Apayao, Ifugao, Mt. Province) and Nueva Vizcaya) will be exhibited in the trade fair highlighted by the “longanisa” eating contest and cooking competition. Among the most highly anticipated events on January 30 are “Saniata ti Ylocos,” or local beauty pageant contest, and the giving out of Father Jose Burgos Achievement Awards that will honor the province’s outstanding daughters and sons in the Philippines and abroad.Also on tap are cultural and motor shows, talent searches and the competitions in practical shooting, Mixed Martials Arts and running. For nightcaps, there will be shows dished out by mostly Manila-based entertainers and artists.

The best of Ilocos Sur’s culture, tradition and beauty hits the limelight in the much-awaited month-long Kannawidan (tradition) Ylocos celebration 2015 kicking off January 29.
The seven-year old festival pays tribute to Vigan City as one of the new wonder cities of the world.
- See more at: http://voicepointsph.com/kannawidan2015/#sthash.Kf9yRiQZ.dpufv
The best of Ilocos Sur’s culture, tradition and beauty hits the limelight in the much-awaited month-long Kannawidan (tradition) Ylocos celebration 2015 kicking off January 29.
The seven-year old festival pays tribute to Vigan City as one of the new wonder cities of the world.
- See more at: http://voicepointsph.com/kannawidan2015/#sthash.Kf9yRiQZ.dpuf
The best of Ilocos Sur’s culture, tradition and beauty hits the limelight in the much-awaited month-long Kannawidan (tradition) Ylocos celebration 2015 kicking off January 29.
The seven-year old festival pays tribute to Vigan City as one of the new wonder cities of the world.
- See more at: http://voicepointsph.com/kannawidan2015/#sthash.Kf9yRiQZ.dpuf
The best of Ilocos Sur’s culture, tradition and beauty hits the limelight in the much-awaited month-long Kannawidan (tradition) Ylocos celebration 2015 kicking off January 29.
The seven-year old festival pays tribute to Vigan City as one of the new wonder cities of the world.
- See more at: http://voicepointsph.com/kannawidan2015/#sthash.Kf9yRiQZ.dpuf
The best of Ilocos Sur’s culture, tradition and beauty hits the limelight in the much-awaited month-long Kannawidan (tradition) Ylocos celebration 2015 kicking off January 29.
The seven-year old festival pays tribute to Vigan City as one of the new wonder cities of the world.
- See more at: http://voicepointsph.com/kannawidan2015/#sthash.Kf9yRiQZ.dpuf
The best of Ilocos Sur’s culture, tradition and beauty hits the limelight in the much-awaited month-long Kannawidan (tradition) Ylocos celebration 2015 kicking off January 29.
The seven-year old festival pays tribute to Vigan City as one of the new wonder cities of the world.
- See more at: http://voicepointsph.com/kannawidan2015/#sthash.Kf9yRiQZ.dpuf